Today was mud day. We started early in the morning adding water to the mud pit in our backyard. The water makes everything extra squishy! Most of the boys have absolutely no problem becoming one with the mud. Everyone got very dirty, which is okay by us! Dirty kids are usually happy kids. And we rigged our hose up as a shower - although I think more than one kid went home today with crusty ears and mud in their pants!!
Armpit Bubbles - check it out!!!!
There was 8 kids that were very very muddy. We washed off in a shower. Nick blew bubbles from his armpits we called them ARMPIT BUBBLES. We ate lunch outside. We played on the water slide. by Nick & Devan
Today was my last mud day. I'll probally never get to do this again. I love getting dirty ,its the getting clean part I dont like. Today was really fun I love the feel of mud its relaxing. To get us clean Mr. Bussey would attach a hose to a garden stand thing-a-majig instead of blasting us in frezzing cold water, this time we had the option of breathing!!!When we were clean we would lay on burning hot tires, then we chilled out and had lunch.Goooood Tiiiiiimmes. by Zane
oh yah, it's a real shame some of us grown ups don't have the greatest job on earth like Mr. Bussey and Mr. Creed - watching our boyz relaxing in mud, and chilling out on the burning hot tires...